#1AttractiveMalesShipping - Baron Alberto, Archer, Proton & Tabitha #_3Shipping - Froakie, Mudkip, Oshawott, Piplup, Squirtle & Totodile #_2Shipping - Charmander, Chimchar, Cyndaquil, Fennekin, Tepig & Torchic #_1Shipping - Bulbasaur, Chespin, Chikorita, Snivy, Treecko & Turtwig The sole exception is for names with significant real-world usage, which may only be PMed to me and not posted here. Please save any names you make until then. This includes any characters that have already been announced before the launch. In accordance with a staff request (and my own feelings on the matter), the list will not be accepting any names that include an SV character until Jan 1 2023. Pairings and names may be offensive or otherwise problematic. Manager Note: The list is simply a reference document and does not endorse any pairings or their content. Moderator Note: The shipping list is a way for users to keep track of all existing ships but it doesn't necessarily mean that the site approves of them all. I'm super excited to be working on this project and I want to thank all of you for your patience as we get things back up and running!

I'll be sure to announce the new place for submissions as soon as it's available. Unfortunately, we're unable to recover the submissions past this point, so I'd like to please ask everyone to compile a list of all names they've submitted since, and submit that list as soon as we have a proper method to do so. Hi everyone! You might know me from the Serebii forums as well, but for the uninitiated, I'm Manqoba and I'm super excited to announce that the massive database of Pokemon shippings, Neverending Romance: The Incomplete Nightmare, is returning! Lillie and I are still in the process of working everything out, but for the time being, I've made an updated list up to July 8 2017, the last accepted names from the Tumblr extension, which will be hosted here in this thread.